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If you use hearing aids, one of the first things you’ll learn to do after your fitting is to replace the batteries. Hearing aid batteries come in various shapes and sizes and you can buy both rechargeable and disposable batteries. If you’re new to the world of hearing aids, or you’re unsure which batteries to buy, your hearing instrument specialist will be able to help.
Hearing aid batteries are an essential component of your hearing aid. Batteries don’t last forever, and you’ll need to remove the old battery and replace it with a new cell every three to15 days, depending on the hearing aids and batteries you have. Your hearing instrument specialist (HIS) will explain how to do this when you have your hearing aids fitted.
There are two types of hearing aid batteries: rechargeable and disposable batteries. Rechargeable batteries are becoming more commonplace, but most people use standard batteries, which have a limited shelf-life. Once you get used to replacing empty batteries, this is a process that takes a matter of seconds.
Which hearing aid batteries should I buy?
If you’re looking for standard disposable hearing aid batteries, there are different sizes available, which are distinguished using a range of colors. These include:
The different colored tabs and sizes correspond to individual types of hearing aids and once you know which size you need for your hearing aids, you should find it very simple to locate the right batteries. There are different brands available, and your hearing instrument specialist can help you narrow down the options to find the best batteries. Often, choosing hearing aid batteries comes down to personal preferences, and you might find that you prefer one brand to another. If you’ve only just started using hearing aids, you may wish to try a few options before deciding which one to stick with.
Hearing aid batteries usually last around a week. When the battery has drained, open the compartment, remove the cell and prepare to place the new battery in the chamber. It’s wise to check you have a new battery before taking the old one out, and to order in advance so that you have a couple of spares. This is particularly beneficial if you’re going on vacation.
There are a few simple steps you can take to get the best out of your batteries and prolong their lifespan. In many cases, the disposable batteries you buy will be zinc-air batteries. These hearing aid batteries are activated by oxygen, so it’s important to remove the protective tab when you’re ready to change the battery. Once you’ve broken the seal, you can’t put the tab back, so if you change your mind, you won’t be able to use that battery. After you’ve taken the sticker off the new battery and you’re ready to remove the old cell, leave the battery for around 60 seconds and then position it in the battery case. This brief window will ensure that the battery is active and ready to go when you turn your hearing aid on. When your new batteries are in place and your hearing aids are on, the power will drain continuously. If you don’t need to use your hearing aids all the time, turn them off to conserve battery life. You can also open the doors of the battery chamber when the hearing aids are not in use during the night. This enables moisture to drain from the battery compartment, as well as prolonging life expectancy.
Once you know which hearing aid batteries you need, it’s very easy to order replacement batteries and we can take care of this for you at Sound Choice Hearing. We can also help if you’re unsure which batteries you need.
If you have any questions about hearing aid batteries, or you’d like advice about which batteries to buy or how to change batteries, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We can provide you with more information about different types of batteries and offer tailored advice based on the type of hearing aid you use and your individual requirements and preferences.
If you’re keen to find out more about the best hearing aid batteries, or you’d like to speak to a hearing instrument specialist about batteries, how to change them or how to maximize longevity, give us a call today at (505) 565-7960.
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